As part of a larger organization, ESS-FOOD must identify new markets and new product categories, in order to deliver on customer demands at competitive market prices.
ESS-FOOD's core business is within the meat sector, but as the consumers change demands, it is necessary to be equipped with proper flexibility to act on these increasing demands for other food categories. The company has expanded to many different categories such as pork, seafood, poultry, beef and retail (french fries etc)

Nowadays, pork is the most consumed meat source worldwide. The global pig market is very dynamic and constitutes the primary protein source for millions human beings across numerous cultures. The growing beverage and food industry is expected to drive the growth of the pork meat market in coming years.
Tonnage 2023/2024

Beef and veal have the highest protein content compared to other forms of meat, as a result the global beef production is forecast to grow over the long term. Moreover, higher life standards, rising populations and higher income levels create higher demand on beef market valued at $332.28 Billion in 2022.
Tonnage 2023/2024

Poultry sector is positioned as one of the most important sectors globally due to participation in the world’s food security and its significant role in international markets. Global Poultry Market, which consist of domesticated birds such as duck, turkey, chicken and geese is expected to witness significant growth over upcoming years.
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Due to changing lifestyle patterns and rising awareness about the importance of seafood-based products the market is reaching new heights in every part of the world. Fish and other seafood are believed to be amongst the vital foods for humans, providing over 15% of the populations’s protein intake.
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To meet all the various client expectations and increase the global market exposure ESS-FOOD operates also on the retail markets. In 2022 we delivered to our customers almost 400 different kind of products adapted to their needs.
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