At ESS-FOOD, you become part of a culture that is strongly rooted in our common history. Our work culture is characterised by an informal tone and a high degree of trust, and here you can expect to become part of an organisation with clear and defined goals that all employees work together to achieve in respect of the ESS-FOOD history. 

At ESS-FOOD, we are loyal to each other, and we take care of each other. We are proud of our work and that we solve an important societal task by buying and selling food worldwide. Here, we are dedicated and competitive. We question things and dare to take chances. 

And most importantly, we believe that we achieve the best results by working together. ESS-FOOD is a workplace for everyone – and we look forward to having you on our team! 

Our employee principles – our guide in the daily work 

How do we ensure that our cooperation moves us towards our common goals? That is not an easy task. At ESS-FOOD and Danish Crown Group, we have defined five principles, which should be our guide for everyone in their daily work. In short, they need to guide us when and if we are on the right track. 


Be an ambassador

We are passionate about and promote ESS-FOOD. It is about showing respect for important stakeholders and about cooperating constructively. It is about acting as if ESS-FOOD was our own business.

Dedicated to results

A leader must be results-oriented and deliver results that create short- and long-term value. All leaders must have a clear direction, show understanding and be proactive. We need to make long-term decisions that are based on facts.

We are one team

See the full picture. It is about respecting and feeling responsible for the entire group. We must work together so that competencies across departments are utilised and used for the benefit of our owners, consumers and customers.

Develop and empower people

We delegate responsibilities and develop employees systematically and purposefully by promoting daily learning. We must embrace diversity as well as promote continuous improvement and curiosity. We must learn from our mistakes.

Together with consumer and customers

Customer and consumer satisfaction are the key. We inspire and let ourselves be inspired by our consumers and collaboration with customers. We are always looking for new solutions based on market insight.

ESS-FOOD strategy

As a starting point, ESS-FOOD has grown strong positions in key markets with solid reputation and supplier base. The complications are seen as new consumer trends & growth opportunities, and how to re-focus our strategic priorities.

The ESS-FOOD strategy is driven by a combination of regional organic and new growth initiatives and global/local enablers. 

A business in change
We are acting in a changing world. Our customers, suppliers and consumers make new demands, and great political and societal demands are made on our business.

Being a part of a larger Group, ESS-FOOD works differently than other Business units, but our goals is still the same. We work across, attempt to standardise best practice as well as automate and digitalise more of our processes so that we can use our resources to create more value for our customers, suppliers and consumers for the benefit of our owners.

We have a common goal, acting and delivering strong results as one unified group